Our “USP” – how you benefit

What does our service offer you? What is our USP? Every time one of our clients turns to us again to help fill another position, we know that we are giving them the quality they need. We know that our processes, from the briefing to the appointment, work efficiently and are carried out with the utmost care, dedication and attention to detail. And we know that we complete the process to their satisfaction.


More than just a regular recruiter


Success is the absolute benchmark. And this is what we guarantee. Our work is only done once a vacant position has been filled within an appropriately defined period of time.

2. “When you have a mountain to conquer…”

Eines unserer Leistungsmerkmale ist die Personalbeschaffung für besonders schwierig zu besetzende Positionen. Oder wie es der Geschäftsführer eines langjährigen Klienten, dessen Hobby das alpine Bergsteigen ist, einmal formulierte: „ USP SUNDERMANN CONSULTING ist für uns der Spezialist für Stellenbesetzungen mit Schwierigkeitsgrad 12“.

3. Long-term appointments

Our business depends on successful appointments. We therefore go the extra mile to find the right candidate for the long term. Rather than one-off appointments, our aim is to build long-lasting, trust-based relationships with our clients.


As part of our commitment to long-term success, we offer a two-year guarantee as standard. This means that if an employee on a permanent contract leaves the organisation within two years of starting, we will provide a new appointment for the position free of charge, regardless of who initiated the termination. There is simply no better safeguard for both employers and employees. We know of no other recruiting consultancy firm that offers anything like such a guarantee.

5. The ”best” candidate, the ”right” candidate and the culture of your business

The “best” candidate and the “right” candidate may not actually be the same thing. Companies must also ask themselves whether the candidate fits the company culture. We take a close look at the corporate culture of each of our clients. This is extremely important when it then comes to determining whether a candidate is a good fit. Regardless of this, our goal is always to find the person who is both the best and the right candidate.


Our utmost priority is to provide individual consultation to every client. We make them feel at all times like they are the only one. By getting a feel for their needs and circumstances, we put ourselves in their shoes, empathise and are always there for them.

7. Clear processes and agreements

Clear processes and agreements give our clients peace of mind. We design our recruitment processes to be fast, simple and transparent. Our conditions are laid out in clearly defined agreements that leave no room for interpretation, giving clients greater reliability in planning and budgeting.

8. Applicant-Compliance

We see compliance as the foundation of a trusting working relationship. Passing on information, CVs and other documents to companies and fellow consultants without authorisation is absolutely taboo. We do not trade in applicant documents and the people behind them. We treat every applicant with the utmost confidentiality.